印度煎饼(Roti canai)是种圆扁形的煎饼,是马来西亚嘛嘛档的一种受欢迎的食物。它被用来当早餐、午餐、下午茶与晚餐。常被用来与拉茶或冰茶配着一起吃。普遍上是配着达尔酱(素咖喱,马来西亚语叫做:dahl)或咖哩与小风尾鱼热辣酱料(马来语称sambal)一起吃。
印度煎饼的马来语是roti canai。Roti 指的是 "面包",在这里的意思是 "煎饼",而canai的意思是 "来回压扁",只因印度煎饼师傅在制作印度煎饼过程中把面团压扁,风晾及拉阔。也有传说canai的由来是源于在制作煎饼时一起使用的面团(channal)。另一种说法是canai一词源自印度的珍奈城(chennai),只因在当年大量印度人迁移至马来西亚淘金时,那时候的印度煎饼师傅都是来自印度的珍奈城的。
在印度与新加坡,印度煎饼也被称 "布拉塔"(prata)煎饼。印度煎饼与布拉塔煎饼的形状都是一样的,而布拉塔煎饼也保存了印度煎饼的特色:圆形,但是通常有馅料的都是方形,据说比较容易煎熟。
在马来西亚拥有多种口味,如下: Roti Kosong(无馅) Roti Telur(鸡蛋口味) Roti Pisang(香蕉口味) Roti Planta(牛油口味)等等 不同地区,口味各异
Roti canai
Roti canai (pronunciation: tʃanai), also known as roti cane (tʃane) or roti prata, is an Indian-influenced flatbread dish found in several countries in Asia, including Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore.
It is usually served with dal or other types of curry, but can also be cooked in a range of sweet or savoury variations made with a variety of ingredients such as sardines, meat, egg, or cheese.
Roti canai is a popular breakfast and snack dish in Malaysia, and one of the most famous examples of Malaysian Indian cuisine.
It is said that the dish was brought over from India by Indian Muslims, also known as "Mamaks" in Malaysia, and is served in mamak stalls located in both rural and urban Malaysia.
肉骨茶(闽南语:Bak kut teh)为正统发音,创始于马来西亚巴生,之后流行于新加坡一带,也广传于中国大陆、台湾、海外华人地区等,但马来西亚的是最正宗。
Singapore-KL route is world's busiest global air link
Singapore-KL route is world's busiest global air link
The Singapore-Kuala Lumpur route is the world's busiest international air link, with seven airlines that operate up to 84 flights a day.
In second place is Hong Kong-Taipei, followed by Singapore-Jakarta.
The ranking by industry consultancy OAG, released on Thursday, is based on the number of flights between two cities in the 12 months to the end of February this year.
The Singapore-KL connection topped OAG's busiest international routes ranking with 30,537 flights, compared with 28,887 flights for Hong Kong-Taipei and 27,304 flights for Singapore-Jakarta.
While the Singapore-KL sector was the busiest for Changi Airport based on the number of flights operated, more people flew between Singapore and Jakarta during the same 12 months.
Total passenger traffic on the route was more than 4.6 million, compared with about four million for Singapore-KL.
Mr Mayur Patel, OAG's regional sales director for Japan and the Asia-Pacific, noted that 14 of the world's 20 busiest routes, including eight of the top 10, are between Asian cities.
"Given the robust expansion of air passenger travel across the Asia-Pacific and the fierce competition between carriers in the region, it is unsurprising," he said on Thursday.
Turning to airports, OAG noted that Hong Kong was the busiest Asian airport hub, featuring in six of the top 20 routes while Changi Airport featured in four.
Mr Patel said: "While this intense level of competition offers impressive flight frequencies and competitive prices for consumers, it adds pressure to the operating costs and on-time performance of carriers, and may prove unsustainable over time."
Other industry experts noted that the expansion of low-cost carriers in Asia has significantly boosted the number of air services between Asian cities, including Singapore-Kuala Lumpur and Singapore-Jakarta.
Number of passengers flying the Singapore-KL route in the 12 months to end-February this year.
Mr Brendan Sobie from the Centre for Aviation noted in a recent report that low-cost carriers in Singapore now operate a fleet of 60 aircraft - 44 from the Airbus 320 family and 16 Boeing 787s.
In 2012, they had just 37 planes in total.
Low-cost carriers currently account for about a third of the total passenger traffic at Changi Airport.
There are now 18 such airlines offering both short-and long-haul flights to and from Singapore, said Mr Sobie.
~Courtesy of Straits Times~
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