日本辐射飘来马印 各国坚称:不会影响健康
环境局:新加坡辐射量 处安全水平
至于新加坡是否受到辐射物质影响,新加坡环境局今早答复说,椎间盘空气中的辐射量平均是每小时0.08微西弗(micro-sievert),处于安全水平的一般背景辐射值(background radiation level)。
Eatery in popular mall ordered to close
Eatery in popular mall ordered closed for a week
A RESTAURANT in Mid Valley Megamall was forced to close for a week by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) after its premises was found to be unhygienic and prone to contamination.
DBKL health department director Dr Sallehudin Abu Bakar, who headed the operation was appalled by the condition of the restaurant.
“The restaurant was crowded with patrons but there were cockroaches and rats in the kitchen and the food items were not covered. It was disgusting.
“The refrigerator was also in a bad condition. On top of that, raw and cooked food were kept in the same compartment,” he said.
Dr Sallehudin said three tins containing used cooking oil were found near the wok and he suspected that the oil was “recycled” in cooking for added flavour.
“Used oil should not be used at all as it is carcinogenic and can cause cancer,” he said.
He added that the kitchen floor was wet and slippery, and the ceiling covered with dirty oil stains due to poor ventilation system.
A check on the workers revealed that all 21 of them have had their typhoid injections. However, they were not properly attired.
“Some of them rushed to put on their headgear when we stepped into the restaurant. Typhoid injection is only a prevention against the disease from being disseminated to customers. Restaurateurs still need to ensure cleanliness to minimise the spread of bacteria.
“Some customers were also seen smoking in the non-smoking area,” Dr Sallehudin said.
The restaurant was given one week to clean up, carry out repair works and engage a pest control company to get rid of pests.
“Customers have rights and must demand their right to clean food. We should not tolerate this kind of service.
“If we find a strand of hair in the food, we should not remove it and continue eating. Just return it and ask for a new one.
“This year we mean business. This is the ‘Year of Enforcement’. We will not be lenient because we want changes. We will act upon complaints,” he said, adding that checks on food outlets would be held from time to time.
-News courtesy of The Star-
A RESTAURANT in Mid Valley Megamall was forced to close for a week by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) after its premises was found to be unhygienic and prone to contamination.
DBKL health department director Dr Sallehudin Abu Bakar, who headed the operation was appalled by the condition of the restaurant.
“The restaurant was crowded with patrons but there were cockroaches and rats in the kitchen and the food items were not covered. It was disgusting.
“The refrigerator was also in a bad condition. On top of that, raw and cooked food were kept in the same compartment,” he said.
Dr Sallehudin said three tins containing used cooking oil were found near the wok and he suspected that the oil was “recycled” in cooking for added flavour.
“Used oil should not be used at all as it is carcinogenic and can cause cancer,” he said.
He added that the kitchen floor was wet and slippery, and the ceiling covered with dirty oil stains due to poor ventilation system.
A check on the workers revealed that all 21 of them have had their typhoid injections. However, they were not properly attired.
“Some of them rushed to put on their headgear when we stepped into the restaurant. Typhoid injection is only a prevention against the disease from being disseminated to customers. Restaurateurs still need to ensure cleanliness to minimise the spread of bacteria.
“Some customers were also seen smoking in the non-smoking area,” Dr Sallehudin said.
The restaurant was given one week to clean up, carry out repair works and engage a pest control company to get rid of pests.
“Customers have rights and must demand their right to clean food. We should not tolerate this kind of service.
“If we find a strand of hair in the food, we should not remove it and continue eating. Just return it and ask for a new one.
“This year we mean business. This is the ‘Year of Enforcement’. We will not be lenient because we want changes. We will act upon complaints,” he said, adding that checks on food outlets would be held from time to time.
-News courtesy of The Star-
Mid Valley Megamall,
News Report
乌鲁冷岳拥有许多闻名遐邇的大自然景观。除了前期所提及的阿伯山森林保护区之外,还有另一座广为人知的雪兰莪州境內最高的山峰――努昂山(Gunung Nuang),正是矗立在这个地区的范围內,傲视山脚下的景观。
除了这座距离蕉赖市区有17公里的努昂山之外,在乌鲁冷岳这片辽阔的土地上,还有双溪葛拜瀑布区(Air Terjun Sungai Gabai)、瞭望台(Menara Tinjau)、双溪邦孙(Sungai Pangsun)、双溪贞卡(Sungai Congkak)森林保留地、双溪德卡拉(Air Terjun Sungai Tekala)瀑布及热水湖(或称温泉)。
双溪葛拜瀑布区坐落在甘榜双溪陆益(Kampung Sungai Lui),虽然其名气不如双溪贞卡或双溪德卡拉那般响噹噹,但它其土地面积也颇为宽大,单单是双溪葛拜瀑布区就有12层高及336个小梯级。造访者必须缴付2令吉(车辆停放)及1令吉(电单车停放),该范围內有大约10个各种不同造型的休閒亭、公厕和更衣间等。
单单在乌鲁冷岳县署范围內,就有3个著名的温泉,包括双溪士乃(Sungai Serai)、杜顺杜亚(Dusun Tua)及靠近杜顺杜亚的青年训练中心。
乌鲁冷岳拥有许多闻名遐邇的大自然景观。除了前期所提及的阿伯山森林保护区之外,还有另一座广为人知的雪兰莪州境內最高的山峰――努昂山(Gunung Nuang),正是矗立在这个地区的范围內,傲视山脚下的景观。
除了这座距离蕉赖市区有17公里的努昂山之外,在乌鲁冷岳这片辽阔的土地上,还有双溪葛拜瀑布区(Air Terjun Sungai Gabai)、瞭望台(Menara Tinjau)、双溪邦孙(Sungai Pangsun)、双溪贞卡(Sungai Congkak)森林保留地、双溪德卡拉(Air Terjun Sungai Tekala)瀑布及热水湖(或称温泉)。
双溪葛拜瀑布区坐落在甘榜双溪陆益(Kampung Sungai Lui),虽然其名气不如双溪贞卡或双溪德卡拉那般响噹噹,但它其土地面积也颇为宽大,单单是双溪葛拜瀑布区就有12层高及336个小梯级。造访者必须缴付2令吉(车辆停放)及1令吉(电单车停放),该范围內有大约10个各种不同造型的休閒亭、公厕和更衣间等。
单单在乌鲁冷岳县署范围內,就有3个著名的温泉,包括双溪士乃(Sungai Serai)、杜顺杜亚(Dusun Tua)及靠近杜顺杜亚的青年训练中心。
乌鲁冷岳 Hulu Langat,
雪兰莪 Selangor
阿伯山坐落在蕉赖9英里的旺沙花园,国语名为“Bukit Apek”或“Bukit Ah Pek”,它是归属於双溪士布爹森林保留地(Hutan Simpan Bukit Seputeh)的一部份。
双溪士布爹森林保留地是吉隆坡境內,山地面积比另两座森林更小的原始绿肺;其余两座森林为新街场岭森林保留地(Hutan Simpan Bukit Sungai Besi,面积为42.11公顷)以及咖啡山森林保留地(Hutan Simpan Bukit Nanas,面积为10.52公顷)。
有一名年过七旬的登山客告诉《大都会》,他发觉在阿伯山这座热带雨林里,分佈了不计其数的树种,包括臭豆树(Pokok Petai)、檀香木和山榴槤及许多不知名的草药等。
阿伯山坐落在蕉赖9英里的旺沙花园,国语名为“Bukit Apek”或“Bukit Ah Pek”,它是归属於双溪士布爹森林保留地(Hutan Simpan Bukit Seputeh)的一部份。
双溪士布爹森林保留地是吉隆坡境內,山地面积比另两座森林更小的原始绿肺;其余两座森林为新街场岭森林保留地(Hutan Simpan Bukit Sungai Besi,面积为42.11公顷)以及咖啡山森林保留地(Hutan Simpan Bukit Nanas,面积为10.52公顷)。
有一名年过七旬的登山客告诉《大都会》,他发觉在阿伯山这座热带雨林里,分佈了不计其数的树种,包括臭豆树(Pokok Petai)、檀香木和山榴槤及许多不知名的草药等。
乌鲁冷岳 Hulu Langat,
雪兰莪 Selangor
公园內也有一种名为“Salam”的树木,每当它果实累累时,都会吸引鸟儿到来,让置身其间者可以边嗅著树木散发的香气,边享受赏鸟乐。另一种值得介绍的珍贵树木是罗望子树(Pokok Asam Jaya)及金链树(Pokok Rantai Emas或Golden Chain Tree)。
如果你喜欢观赏植物,不妨到这个公园来,向园丁询问和討教一番,相信他们会不吝嗇地告诉你,公园內栽种的各种树木,诸如印茄树(Pokok Merbau)、龙脑香(Pokok Kapur)、牛油果树(Pokok Buah Mentega)及蕨树等。
这座公园正是八打灵再也范围內最大的湖泊,官方名称为格拉那再也城市公园(Taman Bandaran Kelana Jaya),它堪称为格拉那再也和八打灵再也居民最为宝贵的绿肺。
“格拉那再也城市公园是钓鱼发烧友的天堂,不过他们不能隨意拿著鱼竿来垂钓,而必须先向市政厅申请执照,这是为了確保垂钓者不会隨意挖掘泥土,以寻找蚯蚓作饵,破坏自然生態人们可以选择各种形式来申请执照,包括每週5令吉、每个月15令吉或每年 120令吉;鳩收费用的用意,是为了確保申请者不会隨意挖掘泥土、破坏休閒椅、破坏街灯或偷窃电线等。
公园內也有一种名为“Salam”的树木,每当它果实累累时,都会吸引鸟儿到来,让置身其间者可以边嗅著树木散发的香气,边享受赏鸟乐。另一种值得介绍的珍贵树木是罗望子树(Pokok Asam Jaya)及金链树(Pokok Rantai Emas或Golden Chain Tree)。
如果你喜欢观赏植物,不妨到这个公园来,向园丁询问和討教一番,相信他们会不吝嗇地告诉你,公园內栽种的各种树木,诸如印茄树(Pokok Merbau)、龙脑香(Pokok Kapur)、牛油果树(Pokok Buah Mentega)及蕨树等。
这座公园正是八打灵再也范围內最大的湖泊,官方名称为格拉那再也城市公园(Taman Bandaran Kelana Jaya),它堪称为格拉那再也和八打灵再也居民最为宝贵的绿肺。
“格拉那再也城市公园是钓鱼发烧友的天堂,不过他们不能隨意拿著鱼竿来垂钓,而必须先向市政厅申请执照,这是为了確保垂钓者不会隨意挖掘泥土,以寻找蚯蚓作饵,破坏自然生態人们可以选择各种形式来申请执照,包括每週5令吉、每个月15令吉或每年 120令吉;鳩收费用的用意,是为了確保申请者不会隨意挖掘泥土、破坏休閒椅、破坏街灯或偷窃电线等。
八打灵再也 Petaling Jaya,
雪兰莪 Selangor
雪兰莪 Selangor
飘送花香──万紫千红的一片花海,令看的人不禁迷失,也陶醉于微风飘送的花香之中。 (图:星洲日报)
每天风尘仆仆,在车水马龙的国会路(Jalan Parlimen)、马哈美鲁路和白沙罗路等主要繁忙路段,与时间赛跑的城市人,或许已逐渐淡忘了,其实在生活节奏的城市里,也有一大片绿色休闲地带,可让人们随时亲近大自然,甚至把一切烦恼、忧虑都抛到九宵云外。
这个足以调剂心灵的绿肺,离独立广场仅有咫尺之距的公园,正是我们再也熟悉不过的――湖滨公园。沿着主要的道路,即贞德拉沙里路(Jalan Cenderasari),是许多著名的旅游景点,如国家纪念碑、武吉安曼警察总部、公共服务图书馆、敦阿都拉萨纪念馆、市政局体育、文化及社会发展组的“邻居”。
追溯历史,湖滨公园是早在1888年,由英国籍种植家永宁(ARVenning)开辟,当时他赠了好几牛车的树秧,协助公园进行美化工作。因此,早期的湖滨公园是以英文来取名,即“Lake Garden”,过后才易名为“Taman Tasik Perdana”。
当时,很多花园都保留给政府高官居民,直至1947年为止。当时公园周遭的河流汇集成湖,因此她被取名为“悉尼湖”(Lake Sydney)。该公园的另一个纪念日就是在1975年5月1日,当时大马第二任首相敦阿都拉萨为她主持开幕仪式。
最近,该座已有“123岁”的高龄公园,又被易名为“Taman Botani Perdana”。根据官方数据显示,该公园面积宽达101.12公顷或250英亩。湖滨公园的开放时间是从每天上午7时至傍晚7时,所提供的设施包括划舟、跑道、儿童游乐场、公厕、停车场、开放式的表演台和餐饮店。
鹿园(Taman Rusa Dan Kancil)
当你来到吉隆坡湖滨公园,不容错过参观设在公园内的鹿园(Taman Rusa Dan Kancil),并在“鹿大哥”和“鹿小妹”之中寻找“鼷鹿”(Mousedeer)的芳踪。
(Taman Botani Perdana,前称Lake Garden或Taman Tasik Perdana)
在非洲与澳洲国家常见的炮弹树(Cannonball)、瓶干型树(Bottle Tree)、腊肠树(Sausage Tree)、猢狲树(Baobab),以及与国内一些州属名称雷同的树名,如马六甲树(Pokok Melaka)、士打树(Pokok Setar)牛汝莪树(Pokok Gelugor)。
每天风尘仆仆,在车水马龙的国会路(Jalan Parlimen)、马哈美鲁路和白沙罗路等主要繁忙路段,与时间赛跑的城市人,或许已逐渐淡忘了,其实在生活节奏的城市里,也有一大片绿色休闲地带,可让人们随时亲近大自然,甚至把一切烦恼、忧虑都抛到九宵云外。
这个足以调剂心灵的绿肺,离独立广场仅有咫尺之距的公园,正是我们再也熟悉不过的――湖滨公园。沿着主要的道路,即贞德拉沙里路(Jalan Cenderasari),是许多著名的旅游景点,如国家纪念碑、武吉安曼警察总部、公共服务图书馆、敦阿都拉萨纪念馆、市政局体育、文化及社会发展组的“邻居”。
追溯历史,湖滨公园是早在1888年,由英国籍种植家永宁(ARVenning)开辟,当时他赠了好几牛车的树秧,协助公园进行美化工作。因此,早期的湖滨公园是以英文来取名,即“Lake Garden”,过后才易名为“Taman Tasik Perdana”。
当时,很多花园都保留给政府高官居民,直至1947年为止。当时公园周遭的河流汇集成湖,因此她被取名为“悉尼湖”(Lake Sydney)。该公园的另一个纪念日就是在1975年5月1日,当时大马第二任首相敦阿都拉萨为她主持开幕仪式。
最近,该座已有“123岁”的高龄公园,又被易名为“Taman Botani Perdana”。根据官方数据显示,该公园面积宽达101.12公顷或250英亩。湖滨公园的开放时间是从每天上午7时至傍晚7时,所提供的设施包括划舟、跑道、儿童游乐场、公厕、停车场、开放式的表演台和餐饮店。
鹿园(Taman Rusa Dan Kancil)
当你来到吉隆坡湖滨公园,不容错过参观设在公园内的鹿园(Taman Rusa Dan Kancil),并在“鹿大哥”和“鹿小妹”之中寻找“鼷鹿”(Mousedeer)的芳踪。
(Taman Botani Perdana,前称Lake Garden或Taman Tasik Perdana)
在非洲与澳洲国家常见的炮弹树(Cannonball)、瓶干型树(Bottle Tree)、腊肠树(Sausage Tree)、猢狲树(Baobab),以及与国内一些州属名称雷同的树名,如马六甲树(Pokok Melaka)、士打树(Pokok Setar)牛汝莪树(Pokok Gelugor)。
Puma launches pop-up store for F1
Puma launches pop-up store in the run-up to F1 weekend
SPORTS lifestyle company, Puma had the crowd excited at its Motorsport Pop-Up Store in Pavilion when 20 Ferraris pulled up.
The display was to celebrate the launch of its pop-up store, the first of its kind in Malaysia.
The custom-built display and sales showcase gave F1 and motorsport enthusiasts a new site to browse, appreciate and purchase the latest Puma motorsport and Puma Ferrari Licensed Collection.
Puma Malaysia head of marketing Gabriel Yap said they were happy to introduce the concept store in Malaysia.
Fast cars: The Ferrari cars on display drew the crowds at the launch of the store.
“This store is designed for all things related to fashion, lifestyle and motorsports, all of which Malaysians are passionate about.
“For this reason, we wanted to give Malaysians a new shopping experience where they can also get their hands on limited edition Puma Ferrari and Puma motorsport merchandise.”
The store is in Malaysia for a limited time only.
It will be positioned at Pavilion (near La Bodega) until April 1 and will move to the Sepang F1 Circuit from April 8-10, in conjunction with the F1 Grand Prix.
To celebrate the opening of its store, Puma has several in-store promotions.
Innovative: The pop-up store is the first of its kind in Malaysia.
The first three shoppers with any purchase each day are given a chance to win a Puma Ferrari Cap.
Loyal shoppers are also rewarded with Puma premiums including a free Puma keychain with every purchase worth RM250 and a free Puma umbrella with a minimum spending of RM400 on Puma Motorsport products.
To add to the excitement, Puma is giving its customers an opportunity to win a pair of Malaysian Grand Prix Garnet grandstand tickets worth RM1,400 upon purchase of Puma Motorsport merchandise.
The pop-up store is part of a regional initiative to promote Puma Motorsport Collection range. Malaysia is one of only three countries chosen for this initiative. It was first launched in Korea and will be heading to Singapore in September 2011, after completing the Malaysian leg.
-News courtesy of The Star-
SPORTS lifestyle company, Puma had the crowd excited at its Motorsport Pop-Up Store in Pavilion when 20 Ferraris pulled up.
The display was to celebrate the launch of its pop-up store, the first of its kind in Malaysia.
The custom-built display and sales showcase gave F1 and motorsport enthusiasts a new site to browse, appreciate and purchase the latest Puma motorsport and Puma Ferrari Licensed Collection.
Puma Malaysia head of marketing Gabriel Yap said they were happy to introduce the concept store in Malaysia.
Fast cars: The Ferrari cars on display drew the crowds at the launch of the store.
“This store is designed for all things related to fashion, lifestyle and motorsports, all of which Malaysians are passionate about.
“For this reason, we wanted to give Malaysians a new shopping experience where they can also get their hands on limited edition Puma Ferrari and Puma motorsport merchandise.”
The store is in Malaysia for a limited time only.
It will be positioned at Pavilion (near La Bodega) until April 1 and will move to the Sepang F1 Circuit from April 8-10, in conjunction with the F1 Grand Prix.
To celebrate the opening of its store, Puma has several in-store promotions.
Innovative: The pop-up store is the first of its kind in Malaysia.
The first three shoppers with any purchase each day are given a chance to win a Puma Ferrari Cap.
Loyal shoppers are also rewarded with Puma premiums including a free Puma keychain with every purchase worth RM250 and a free Puma umbrella with a minimum spending of RM400 on Puma Motorsport products.
To add to the excitement, Puma is giving its customers an opportunity to win a pair of Malaysian Grand Prix Garnet grandstand tickets worth RM1,400 upon purchase of Puma Motorsport merchandise.
The pop-up store is part of a regional initiative to promote Puma Motorsport Collection range. Malaysia is one of only three countries chosen for this initiative. It was first launched in Korea and will be heading to Singapore in September 2011, after completing the Malaysian leg.
-News courtesy of The Star-
New hotel out to make its mark in KL
New hotel out to make its mark in KL
THE world-renowned Intercontinental Hotel is ready to make its mark on Kuala Lumpur’s hotel and tourism industry with its unique “In The Know” policy.
Staying at hotels can be an experience but what makes it different is the lasting memories that you will share with friends and family many years later.
Intercontinental Kuala Lumpur opened its doors to guests for that very experience on Feb 1 and it will be launched officially at the end of this month.
“The brand is something people know and trust and we have 170 hotels in key locations.
Grand: The Intercontinental Hotel lobby will undergo major renovations to make the place feel warm and inviting.
“We have rebranded the hotel and we have received great response so far,” said Intercontinental KL general manager Adam McDonald said.
The hotel took over the management from MTJ Developments Sdn Bhd after the initial agreement with the former Nikko Hotel ended. Intercontinental was then selected to bring the brand to life.
Structurally, nothing has changed but over the next 18 months, a number of things will be transformed including the concierge lounge that Intercontinental pays much importance to.
“The concierge lounge is something that is unique to luxury hotels. It is the essence of what the brand is about, ‘In the know’,” said McDonald.
According to McDonald, who previously worked at Intercontinental Bali, their research proved that guests were looking for a unique experience.
He firmly believes that the concierge is part of the local experience and a special room will be set up to allow guests to get the best kept secrets of KL.
“Let’s say the guest wants to visit the KL Bird Park, the concierge can tell you the best way to get there, which routes the taxi should take and maybe even a local coffeeshop nearby that locals patronise. That is ‘In the Know’,” he explained.
There will also be development of an iPad app that has already been launched at 10 other hotels that will allow guests to look for information with the concierge.
McDonald hopes to create an opportunity for personalised experiences with people.
The lobby will also go through a major transformation to bring warmth into the hotel. Apart from that, food is also an important part of any hospitality industry and Tatsu Japanese restaurant will be the first to be refurbished with an estimated cost of RM3mil.
They will also introduce local cuisine in their buffet to allow guests to taste Malaysia’s incredible melting pot. Their endeavour will begin with a special Indian spread for April in conjunction with the Tamil New Year.
“We are also looking at exchanging chefs from other sister hotels to introduce cuisines that are new here. We can bring the Bali chef to introduce Balinese cuisine and maybe send our Chinese chefs over there to whip up Cantonese food,” said McDonald.
Campaigns have been launched at their sister hotels all over the world to introduce the Intercontinental KL hotel to their guests.
-News courtesy of The Star-
THE world-renowned Intercontinental Hotel is ready to make its mark on Kuala Lumpur’s hotel and tourism industry with its unique “In The Know” policy.
Staying at hotels can be an experience but what makes it different is the lasting memories that you will share with friends and family many years later.
Intercontinental Kuala Lumpur opened its doors to guests for that very experience on Feb 1 and it will be launched officially at the end of this month.
“The brand is something people know and trust and we have 170 hotels in key locations.
Grand: The Intercontinental Hotel lobby will undergo major renovations to make the place feel warm and inviting.
“We have rebranded the hotel and we have received great response so far,” said Intercontinental KL general manager Adam McDonald said.
The hotel took over the management from MTJ Developments Sdn Bhd after the initial agreement with the former Nikko Hotel ended. Intercontinental was then selected to bring the brand to life.
Structurally, nothing has changed but over the next 18 months, a number of things will be transformed including the concierge lounge that Intercontinental pays much importance to.
“The concierge lounge is something that is unique to luxury hotels. It is the essence of what the brand is about, ‘In the know’,” said McDonald.
According to McDonald, who previously worked at Intercontinental Bali, their research proved that guests were looking for a unique experience.
He firmly believes that the concierge is part of the local experience and a special room will be set up to allow guests to get the best kept secrets of KL.
“Let’s say the guest wants to visit the KL Bird Park, the concierge can tell you the best way to get there, which routes the taxi should take and maybe even a local coffeeshop nearby that locals patronise. That is ‘In the Know’,” he explained.
There will also be development of an iPad app that has already been launched at 10 other hotels that will allow guests to look for information with the concierge.
McDonald hopes to create an opportunity for personalised experiences with people.
The lobby will also go through a major transformation to bring warmth into the hotel. Apart from that, food is also an important part of any hospitality industry and Tatsu Japanese restaurant will be the first to be refurbished with an estimated cost of RM3mil.
They will also introduce local cuisine in their buffet to allow guests to taste Malaysia’s incredible melting pot. Their endeavour will begin with a special Indian spread for April in conjunction with the Tamil New Year.
“We are also looking at exchanging chefs from other sister hotels to introduce cuisines that are new here. We can bring the Bali chef to introduce Balinese cuisine and maybe send our Chinese chefs over there to whip up Cantonese food,” said McDonald.
Campaigns have been launched at their sister hotels all over the world to introduce the Intercontinental KL hotel to their guests.
-News courtesy of The Star-
News Report
亚航总裁费尔南德斯(Tony Fernandes)在会上受访时说,虽然油价攀升,但亚航准备通过积极扩充售票以外的其他业务来抵消营运成本上涨的压力,该公司目前没有计划再向乘客收取燃油附加费。
亚航总裁费尔南德斯(Tony Fernandes)在会上受访时说,虽然油价攀升,但亚航准备通过积极扩充售票以外的其他业务来抵消营运成本上涨的压力,该公司目前没有计划再向乘客收取燃油附加费。
Petrosains turns 12
Petrosains celebrates biodiversity as it turns 12
VISITORS to Petrosains, The Discovery Centre, in Suria KLCC, were treated to an exciting nature-inspired carnival during the centre’s 12th anniversary celebration recently.
A huge crowd, comprising mostly families who were visiting the science centre during the last weekend of the school holidays, thronged the carnival that was held in conjunction with Petrosains’ latest school holiday campaign, aptly themed “Biodiversity and You”.
The campaign was aimed at creating public awareness on the importance of conserving nature and protecting our environment.
The 10-day carnival saw visitors having a gala time with exciting activities that included science shows, workshops and special programmes.
Thrilling the crowd: YAWA Eco Drum Circle entertaining the crowd with their household ‘musical instruments’.
A clown and magicians thrilled the children who also had fun participating in activities such as the “Eco Sand Art”, “Recycled Art and Craft”, “Face Painting”, “Eco Mural Painting” and “Happy Tree Building”.
Other exciting events that took place were a special drum performances by the group YAWA or Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam Eco-Drum Circle, which entertained the crowd with their vibrant musical routines using recyclable household materials as musical instruments.
The Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO) also made a special appearance, enthralling the audience with their repertoire of all-time favourites.
Several mini shows were carried out by students who belonged to programmes run by Petrosains, namely the Science Action Team (SAT), a programme for secondary school students and the Science Scouts, a programme for primary school students, where these students were given an opportunity to showcase their talent in communicating their science knowledge to the public.
Petrosains Sdn Bhd CEO Tengku Nasariah Tengku Syed Ibrahim, said the carnival was very special because it marked Petrosains’ 12th year of sharing its creative approaches to enrich the learning experience, and interactivity, which focused on inquiry and discovery.
“We are very happy to carry out our responsibility to inspire the younger generation to learn more about science. This event also carries an urgent message which is relevant to everyone.
“We hope that by creating public awareness about Biodiversity at Petrosains, our visitors will acknowledge and respond to the need for significant changes that will lead to the preservation of our environment and the living beings that exist in it.
“The activities are meant to provide visitors with as much knowledge and fun at the same time. In Petrosains, we always adopt highly interactive science communication methods and engaging, fun-learning approaches in order to inculcate the interest in the subject matter at hand.
“We must continue to nurture inquiring minds and creative thinking skills as much as we can to promote the love for knowledge, and life-long learning,” she added.
For details, log on to www.petrosains.com.my
-News courtesy of The Star-
VISITORS to Petrosains, The Discovery Centre, in Suria KLCC, were treated to an exciting nature-inspired carnival during the centre’s 12th anniversary celebration recently.
A huge crowd, comprising mostly families who were visiting the science centre during the last weekend of the school holidays, thronged the carnival that was held in conjunction with Petrosains’ latest school holiday campaign, aptly themed “Biodiversity and You”.
The campaign was aimed at creating public awareness on the importance of conserving nature and protecting our environment.
The 10-day carnival saw visitors having a gala time with exciting activities that included science shows, workshops and special programmes.
Thrilling the crowd: YAWA Eco Drum Circle entertaining the crowd with their household ‘musical instruments’.
A clown and magicians thrilled the children who also had fun participating in activities such as the “Eco Sand Art”, “Recycled Art and Craft”, “Face Painting”, “Eco Mural Painting” and “Happy Tree Building”.
Other exciting events that took place were a special drum performances by the group YAWA or Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam Eco-Drum Circle, which entertained the crowd with their vibrant musical routines using recyclable household materials as musical instruments.
The Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO) also made a special appearance, enthralling the audience with their repertoire of all-time favourites.
Several mini shows were carried out by students who belonged to programmes run by Petrosains, namely the Science Action Team (SAT), a programme for secondary school students and the Science Scouts, a programme for primary school students, where these students were given an opportunity to showcase their talent in communicating their science knowledge to the public.
Petrosains Sdn Bhd CEO Tengku Nasariah Tengku Syed Ibrahim, said the carnival was very special because it marked Petrosains’ 12th year of sharing its creative approaches to enrich the learning experience, and interactivity, which focused on inquiry and discovery.
“We are very happy to carry out our responsibility to inspire the younger generation to learn more about science. This event also carries an urgent message which is relevant to everyone.
“We hope that by creating public awareness about Biodiversity at Petrosains, our visitors will acknowledge and respond to the need for significant changes that will lead to the preservation of our environment and the living beings that exist in it.
“The activities are meant to provide visitors with as much knowledge and fun at the same time. In Petrosains, we always adopt highly interactive science communication methods and engaging, fun-learning approaches in order to inculcate the interest in the subject matter at hand.
“We must continue to nurture inquiring minds and creative thinking skills as much as we can to promote the love for knowledge, and life-long learning,” she added.
For details, log on to www.petrosains.com.my
-News courtesy of The Star-
Striding man brings invitations at F1 race party
Striding man brings invitations at F1 race party
JOHNNIE Walker, the award-winning Scotch whisky and global partner of Formula 1 team Vodafone McLaren Mercedes since 2005 is once again bringing the ultimate race party experience to Kuala Lumpur, the Black Circuit Lounge.
VVIP guests on the invite list were pleasantly surprised when Johnnie Walker’s Striding Man turned up to personally deliver their bespoken invitations to the event.
As the official race party of the Malaysian Grand Prix, this exclusive and highly anticipated event kicks off at 8pm on April 9 from 8pm onward at a secret venue only revealed to invited guests.
Personal touch: Johnnie Walker’s Striding Man and his two assistants personally hand delivered invitations to the Black Circuit Lounge on April 9.
Johnnie Walker will provide Malaysians an insider-access opportunity to live the style and global glamour of an authentic Grand Prix race party. The most anticipated by-invitation-only event will play host to the crème de la crème of Malaysian society and loyal fans of Johnnie Walker.
“The Johnnie Walker Striding Man has been an iconic symbol of our brand since first sketched by famous cartoonist Tom Browne on a napkin over lunch with the Walker brothers in 1908.
“Today, the Striding Man is most closely associated with the global ‘Keep Walking’ campaign and has come to embody the pioneering spirit of progress that Johnnie Walker stands for.
“Having a modern incarnation of the Striding Man hand-deliver the invitations to the Black Circuit Lounge reinforces the exclusivity of this highly anticipated event.
“We received different reactions from the Striding Man’s appearance; a few guests were speechless when he appeared, while others felt privileged to be receiving their invitation from the masculine icon himself.” said Johnnie Walker brand manager Charles Wright.
Guests at the Black Circuit Lounge will be treated to VVIP privileges and a high-flying lifestyle enjoyed by the likes of McLaren Mercedes drivers Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button, successful overachievers constantly in pursuit of progress so true to the mantra of Keep Walking.
This luxury race party will feature international entertainment of the highest sophistication and glamour from the US, Hong Kong and Malaysia.
The party promises to bring a true VVIP experience that should not be missed.
For your chance to win tickets to the Johnnie Walker Black Circuit Lounge, step inside www.blackcircuit.com.my/facebook
-News courtesy of The Star-
JOHNNIE Walker, the award-winning Scotch whisky and global partner of Formula 1 team Vodafone McLaren Mercedes since 2005 is once again bringing the ultimate race party experience to Kuala Lumpur, the Black Circuit Lounge.
VVIP guests on the invite list were pleasantly surprised when Johnnie Walker’s Striding Man turned up to personally deliver their bespoken invitations to the event.
As the official race party of the Malaysian Grand Prix, this exclusive and highly anticipated event kicks off at 8pm on April 9 from 8pm onward at a secret venue only revealed to invited guests.
Personal touch: Johnnie Walker’s Striding Man and his two assistants personally hand delivered invitations to the Black Circuit Lounge on April 9.
Johnnie Walker will provide Malaysians an insider-access opportunity to live the style and global glamour of an authentic Grand Prix race party. The most anticipated by-invitation-only event will play host to the crème de la crème of Malaysian society and loyal fans of Johnnie Walker.
“The Johnnie Walker Striding Man has been an iconic symbol of our brand since first sketched by famous cartoonist Tom Browne on a napkin over lunch with the Walker brothers in 1908.
“Today, the Striding Man is most closely associated with the global ‘Keep Walking’ campaign and has come to embody the pioneering spirit of progress that Johnnie Walker stands for.
“Having a modern incarnation of the Striding Man hand-deliver the invitations to the Black Circuit Lounge reinforces the exclusivity of this highly anticipated event.
“We received different reactions from the Striding Man’s appearance; a few guests were speechless when he appeared, while others felt privileged to be receiving their invitation from the masculine icon himself.” said Johnnie Walker brand manager Charles Wright.
Guests at the Black Circuit Lounge will be treated to VVIP privileges and a high-flying lifestyle enjoyed by the likes of McLaren Mercedes drivers Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button, successful overachievers constantly in pursuit of progress so true to the mantra of Keep Walking.
This luxury race party will feature international entertainment of the highest sophistication and glamour from the US, Hong Kong and Malaysia.
The party promises to bring a true VVIP experience that should not be missed.
For your chance to win tickets to the Johnnie Walker Black Circuit Lounge, step inside www.blackcircuit.com.my/facebook
-News courtesy of The Star-
Airline and mall’s irresistible offer
Airline and mall’s irresistible offer
ETIHAD Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, announced a collaboration with Bangsar Village, the shopping centre in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, recently.
With the collaboration, shoppers at the will have an added incentive to shop and dine at the shopping centre until April 30 and they just might find themselves travelling in style on board Etihad Airways’ award-winning Pearl Business Class on their next holiday.
This is made possible with the “Splurge at Bangsar Village & Fly in Style with Etihad Airways” contest, which runs until April 30, where shoppers will stand a chance to win two return Pearl Business Class tickets on board the airline to any of Etihad’s destinations in Europe and the Middle East.
To be eligible to participate in the contest, all shoppers have to do is dine and spend a minimum of RM100 at any three F&B outlets located at the shopping centre, submit two different receipts of at least RM150 at any retail outlet in Bangsar Village or Bangsar Village II, and answer two simple questions.
“We are pleased to be collaborating with Bangsar Village for this contest, because they share similar values with Etihad Airways such as providing the best service and value to their customers.
“This is also our way of giving back to the community in Malaysia in a fun manner,” said Etihad Airways’ Malaysia country manager Jeffrey Lim.
Meanwhile, Bangsar Village complex manager Tan Joon Kai said: “This contest is our way of thanking loyal customers for making Bangsar Village and Bangsar Village II their preferred neighbourhood shopping centres.
“We are grateful for the support and generosity of our partner, Etihad Airways, without whom this very attractive prize would not have been possible.”
Shoppers who wish to participate in the contest may proceed to the information counter either in Bangsar Village or Bangsar Village II to obtain an entry form.
-News courtesy of The Star-
ETIHAD Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, announced a collaboration with Bangsar Village, the shopping centre in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, recently.
With the collaboration, shoppers at the will have an added incentive to shop and dine at the shopping centre until April 30 and they just might find themselves travelling in style on board Etihad Airways’ award-winning Pearl Business Class on their next holiday.
This is made possible with the “Splurge at Bangsar Village & Fly in Style with Etihad Airways” contest, which runs until April 30, where shoppers will stand a chance to win two return Pearl Business Class tickets on board the airline to any of Etihad’s destinations in Europe and the Middle East.
To be eligible to participate in the contest, all shoppers have to do is dine and spend a minimum of RM100 at any three F&B outlets located at the shopping centre, submit two different receipts of at least RM150 at any retail outlet in Bangsar Village or Bangsar Village II, and answer two simple questions.
“We are pleased to be collaborating with Bangsar Village for this contest, because they share similar values with Etihad Airways such as providing the best service and value to their customers.
“This is also our way of giving back to the community in Malaysia in a fun manner,” said Etihad Airways’ Malaysia country manager Jeffrey Lim.
Meanwhile, Bangsar Village complex manager Tan Joon Kai said: “This contest is our way of thanking loyal customers for making Bangsar Village and Bangsar Village II their preferred neighbourhood shopping centres.
“We are grateful for the support and generosity of our partner, Etihad Airways, without whom this very attractive prize would not have been possible.”
Shoppers who wish to participate in the contest may proceed to the information counter either in Bangsar Village or Bangsar Village II to obtain an entry form.
-News courtesy of The Star-
Herbal garden at forest reserve
Herbal garden at forest reserve
THE Friends of Kota Damansara (FoKD) was brought together in their fight to save the forest from development and it eventually became a close-knit community. However, their work did not stop with the forest reserve’s gazettement.
“Our work actually began from there but there’s so much more we ought to do to protect and preserve our community forest, which we see as an ecological platform for nation building, from both the environmental and social aspects,” said FoKD co-chairman Dr Jeffrey Phang.
The group proudly unveiled their latest achievement — a herbal garden they named after Local Agenda 21 (LA21) and the Green Communities programme — recently at the forest reserve.
Petaling Jaya mayor Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman, Subang MP R. Sivarasa, Kota Damansara assemblyman Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim, representatives from Selangor Forestry Department officiated at the launch.
Gems for the future: Roslan (right), Landscape and Urban Greening Department director Zuraidah Sainan (left) and Nasir planting a sapling at the LA21 Herbal Garden in Kota Damansara.
“We feel that LA21 will be a meaningful name for the herbal garden. The secret of achieving good social impact lies in working together, and this is all embraced in the concept of LA21,” Dr Phang said.
The herbal garden, occupying a site previously filled with bushes and domestic waste, is complete with disabled friendly facilities as well as BBQ pit and camp site for a great family outing next to the jungle.
Dr Phang thanked the local council and relevant government departments for their attention and assistance in matters pertaining to the forest reserve, adding that the community strengthened with the involvement of the orang asli community would continue the endeavour in an integrated, inclusive and inter-dependant manner.
Roslan congratulated the group and pledged his full support for all green efforts, adding that it was everyone’s obligation to go green in the face of climate change that caused the many catastrophes across the globe.
“Making the environment green has always been our priority, we have always been providing assistance and sometimes allocations to the caretakers of Bukit Gasing, Damansara Damai and Kota Damansara forests as well as Kelana Jaya lake among others.
“As long as I am the mayor, there will be no development in these places,” he said.
Nasir expressed his excitement over the herbal garden as it would enable the community to benefit from the plants’ medicinal values while appreciating nature.
Sivarasa said the success of the programme was an actual manifestation of LA21.
“We think the state should also consider a more permanent form of protecting the forest, to set a law so that future governments cannot degazette it easily.
“It was the first forest reserve in the country, gazetted by the British government, but was then taken from the people for development, this is what’s left for us,” he said.
-News courtesy of The Star-
THE Friends of Kota Damansara (FoKD) was brought together in their fight to save the forest from development and it eventually became a close-knit community. However, their work did not stop with the forest reserve’s gazettement.
“Our work actually began from there but there’s so much more we ought to do to protect and preserve our community forest, which we see as an ecological platform for nation building, from both the environmental and social aspects,” said FoKD co-chairman Dr Jeffrey Phang.
The group proudly unveiled their latest achievement — a herbal garden they named after Local Agenda 21 (LA21) and the Green Communities programme — recently at the forest reserve.
Petaling Jaya mayor Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman, Subang MP R. Sivarasa, Kota Damansara assemblyman Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim, representatives from Selangor Forestry Department officiated at the launch.
Gems for the future: Roslan (right), Landscape and Urban Greening Department director Zuraidah Sainan (left) and Nasir planting a sapling at the LA21 Herbal Garden in Kota Damansara.
“We feel that LA21 will be a meaningful name for the herbal garden. The secret of achieving good social impact lies in working together, and this is all embraced in the concept of LA21,” Dr Phang said.
The herbal garden, occupying a site previously filled with bushes and domestic waste, is complete with disabled friendly facilities as well as BBQ pit and camp site for a great family outing next to the jungle.
Dr Phang thanked the local council and relevant government departments for their attention and assistance in matters pertaining to the forest reserve, adding that the community strengthened with the involvement of the orang asli community would continue the endeavour in an integrated, inclusive and inter-dependant manner.
Roslan congratulated the group and pledged his full support for all green efforts, adding that it was everyone’s obligation to go green in the face of climate change that caused the many catastrophes across the globe.
“Making the environment green has always been our priority, we have always been providing assistance and sometimes allocations to the caretakers of Bukit Gasing, Damansara Damai and Kota Damansara forests as well as Kelana Jaya lake among others.
“As long as I am the mayor, there will be no development in these places,” he said.
Nasir expressed his excitement over the herbal garden as it would enable the community to benefit from the plants’ medicinal values while appreciating nature.
Sivarasa said the success of the programme was an actual manifestation of LA21.
“We think the state should also consider a more permanent form of protecting the forest, to set a law so that future governments cannot degazette it easily.
“It was the first forest reserve in the country, gazetted by the British government, but was then taken from the people for development, this is what’s left for us,” he said.
-News courtesy of The Star-
News Report,
Places of Interest,
Do more to ‘sell’ Putrajaya
Do more to ‘sell’ Putrajaya
ALTHOUGH Putrajaya has scenic bridges and parks which makes it a popular filming location for local and foreign movies, it needs more than that to make it a major tourist destination.
One should be able to spend at least a day there sight-seeing and doing other worthwhile activities.
For shopaholics, the only shopping mall is Alamanda Putrajaya.
Those who like nature and the outdoors can explore the Botanical Park, Putra Perdana Park, Wawasan Park, Taman Rimba Alam and Taman Wetlands.
More information needed: The new tourist information centre in Dataran Putra does not have ample supply of brochures.
Now, visitors go to Putrajaya during events such as water sports competitions and the recently held Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.
But if Putrajaya were to be a tourist destination, there should be visitors on other days as well.
From the Putrajaya Corporation website, one could see there are quite a few events every month such as an agro bazaar and workshops but the point is are these enough to draw the crowd?
The tourist information centre has relocated from the parking lot in front of the Prime Minister’s Department to Dataran Putra in Precinct 1.
This relocation is apt as it is now situated near the Putra Mosque where tourists throng.
However, only a few brochures in English and Chinese are available at the new information centre at Dataran Putra.
When asked for other brochures, I was told it was taken by the many tourists who visited the centre. This should not be an excuse as there should be enough to cater to visitors.
There should also be brochures in other languages such as Arabic, Japanese and Korean.
It pales in comparison to information centres in Japan and South Korea where plenty of brochures are available with information on must-see places and the recommended routes to take.
There should also be public transport with punctual schedules for people to get from one tourist attraction to another.
While there are signboards directing motorists, some could lead you on a longer route.
My colleague who wanted to go to one of the government complexes in Precinct 1 found it confusing and ended up driving around the place a few times.
Many are not familiar with the Federal Government Administra-tive Centre.
The moment I mention I work in Putrajaya, my peers would exclaim, “Wow, that is far away!”
That is the perception of many about Putrajaya. It seems far away from the city centre and a hassle to travel there.
It takes 20 to 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur city centre via the Maju Expressway (MEX), 15 to 20 minutes from Kajang via the Silk Kajang Expressway (SKVE) and 20 to 30 minutes from Subang Jaya via the Damansara-Puchong Highway to Putrajaya.
Given it is less congested than the KL city centre, it takes less time for me to get there than to travel around KL during peak hours.
But its distance from KL is not the main reason some are reluctant to make their way there. I know some Klang Valley residents who would drive all the way to Port Dickson or Genting Highlands for a domestic getaway or just for a day tour.
Existing places of interests should be promoted and new activities should be developed to draw visitors and mark Putrajaya as a must-see place when visiting Malaysia.
Being a planned city gives it an edge and coupled with natural landscapes and green areas, Putrajaya does have a potential in becoming a tourist destination.
The question lies in whether there is enough effort put in to make it a tourist destination in the long run and not a flash in the pan.
-News courtesy of The Star-
One should be able to spend at least a day there sight-seeing and doing other worthwhile activities.
For shopaholics, the only shopping mall is Alamanda Putrajaya.
Those who like nature and the outdoors can explore the Botanical Park, Putra Perdana Park, Wawasan Park, Taman Rimba Alam and Taman Wetlands.
More information needed: The new tourist information centre in Dataran Putra does not have ample supply of brochures.
Now, visitors go to Putrajaya during events such as water sports competitions and the recently held Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.
But if Putrajaya were to be a tourist destination, there should be visitors on other days as well.
From the Putrajaya Corporation website, one could see there are quite a few events every month such as an agro bazaar and workshops but the point is are these enough to draw the crowd?
The tourist information centre has relocated from the parking lot in front of the Prime Minister’s Department to Dataran Putra in Precinct 1.
This relocation is apt as it is now situated near the Putra Mosque where tourists throng.
However, only a few brochures in English and Chinese are available at the new information centre at Dataran Putra.
When asked for other brochures, I was told it was taken by the many tourists who visited the centre. This should not be an excuse as there should be enough to cater to visitors.
There should also be brochures in other languages such as Arabic, Japanese and Korean.
It pales in comparison to information centres in Japan and South Korea where plenty of brochures are available with information on must-see places and the recommended routes to take.
There should also be public transport with punctual schedules for people to get from one tourist attraction to another.
While there are signboards directing motorists, some could lead you on a longer route.
My colleague who wanted to go to one of the government complexes in Precinct 1 found it confusing and ended up driving around the place a few times.
Many are not familiar with the Federal Government Administra-tive Centre.
The moment I mention I work in Putrajaya, my peers would exclaim, “Wow, that is far away!”
That is the perception of many about Putrajaya. It seems far away from the city centre and a hassle to travel there.
It takes 20 to 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur city centre via the Maju Expressway (MEX), 15 to 20 minutes from Kajang via the Silk Kajang Expressway (SKVE) and 20 to 30 minutes from Subang Jaya via the Damansara-Puchong Highway to Putrajaya.
Given it is less congested than the KL city centre, it takes less time for me to get there than to travel around KL during peak hours.
But its distance from KL is not the main reason some are reluctant to make their way there. I know some Klang Valley residents who would drive all the way to Port Dickson or Genting Highlands for a domestic getaway or just for a day tour.
Existing places of interests should be promoted and new activities should be developed to draw visitors and mark Putrajaya as a must-see place when visiting Malaysia.
Being a planned city gives it an edge and coupled with natural landscapes and green areas, Putrajaya does have a potential in becoming a tourist destination.
The question lies in whether there is enough effort put in to make it a tourist destination in the long run and not a flash in the pan.
-News courtesy of The Star-
News Report,
Places of Interest,
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Welcome to Kuala Lumpur Tourism blog, we will bring you tourist info of Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley, Selangor and generally Central Malaysia.
Selamat datang!
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